1391 State Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281

Life Groups

Why are we launching these new groups?

As a church, we want to lean in to the gift of community in a more intentional, unified way. One powerful avenue for community to grow is groups. We currently offer Sunday morning groups, and we want to come alongside that model with an additional, complimentary model. Both our current Sunday model and the new Life Group model are a part of our larger initiative to bring unified direction and movement to the communal life of our church!

What if I can only come to some nights?

Consistency is essential in any community for depth to take place. While we know the occasional scheduling conflict or sickness can come up, we strongly encourage you to show up as consistently as possible.

Are these different from the current Sunday morning groups?

Yes, in a few ways. Practically, instead of meeting during the day, they take place in the evening. Instead of meeting at the church, they happen in a home. They will be around 10-12 people. We have found that this smaller amount of people combined with intimate setting of a home in the evening can help provide space for greater vulnerability and depth in conversation and relationship.

What if I have kids and needs childcare?

We encourage parents to consider finding a sitter to allow them to be fully present throughout the evening. We understand this isn't possible for everyone, so we recommend either coordinating a sitter with others to reduce cost, or leaning in to the Sunday morning groups which have built in childcare.

What will the night look like?

The first 30 minutes will be time for arrival and casual conversation (6:30-7pm). Following that, groups will move into intentional time: time for processing Sunday's sermon, time in the Word, and time in prayer (7-8:30pm). They will wrap up with any details for weeks to come.

A New Type of Community

Community Groups

  • At the church
  • Sunday Morning
  • Size varies

Life Groups

  • In a Home
  • Evening
  • 10-12 people